Samstag, 29. März 2014


"Das SpaceShipOne (auch Scaled Model 316) war ein Experimentalflugzeug mit Raketentriebwerk des Unternehmens Scaled Composites für den privaten bzw. kommerziellen, bemannten, suborbitalen Raumflug bis etwa 100 Kilometer Höhe."


"SpaceShipOne is a suborbital air-launched spaceplane that completed the first manned private spaceflight in 2004. That same year, it won the US$10 million Ansari X Prize and was immediately retired from active service. Its mother ship was named "White Knight". Both craft were developed and flown by Mojave Aerospace Ventures, which was a joint venture between Paul Allen and Scaled Composites,Burt Rutan's aviation company. Allen provided the funding of approximately US$25 million."


Donnerstag, 27. März 2014

New project aims to upload a honey bee's brain into a flying insectobot by 2015

"Every once in a while, there's news which reminds us that we're living in the age of accelerating change. This is one of those times: A new project has been announced in which scientists at the Universities of Sheffield and Sussex are hoping to create the first accurate computer simulation of a honey bee brain — and then upload it into an autonomous flying robot."

Full article:

Is self-control more important than intelligence? - Psychology Podcast by Eskil Burck

"A few years ago, many researchers were in agreement: By far the most important requirement for education and vocational success is a high mental capacity (intelligence). However, even the best intelligence tests can not explain all variance in life success. Every once in a while a highly intelligent student gets dropped out of the education system without finishing (underachiever), whereas another student who scored below average in an intelligence test, ends up with a fantastic academic career (overachiever). Recent studies (e.g. Duckworth & Seligman, 2005; Moffitt et al 2011) suggest that such "irregularities" mainly come about due to the factor of self-control (also: self-discipline, perseverance). Amazingly, in some studies self-discipline proved to be a better predictor than intelligence... "

Dienstag, 18. März 2014

Validität / Validity - Psychology Podcast by Eskil Burck


"Eines der wichtigsten Gütekriterien eines Messinstruments ist die sogenannte Validität. Ein Messinstrument (Test, Fragebogen, Bewerbungsgespräch... etc.) gilt als valide, wenn es das misst, was es messen soll. Wenn also ein Bewerbungsgespräch nicht zur Auswahl des geeignetsten Kanditaten, sondern zur Auswahl des "nettesten" Kandidaten führt, kann es nicht als valide angesehen werden.Doch wie kann die Validität eines Messinstruments überprüft werden?
Wann sollte welche Validierungsmethode (Augenscheinvalidität, Kriteriumsvalidität, Konstruktvalidität,...) eingesetzt werden?"


"Using bad measuring instruments can have disastrous consequences. Therefore newly developed tests, questionaires, etc. have to meet the highest standards. Along with reliability and objectivity validity is one of the most important quality criteria. An instrument is regarded as valid, if it measures, what it is supposed to measure. For example: A (supposed) intelligence test which measures creativity or sustained attention may be reliable, but it is not valid.In this episode we will discuss the different methods to validate a measuring instrument:
- face validtiy
- criterion validity
- predictive
- postdictive
- construct validity
- discriminant construct validity
- concurrent construct validity"