Mittwoch, 26. Februar 2014

Ten Simple Things You Can Do to Be Happier, Backed by Science

"Happiness is so interesting, because we all have different ideas about what it is and how to get it. I would love to be happier—as I’m sure most people would—so I thought it would be interesting to find some ways to become a happier person that are actually backed up by science. Here are ten of the best ones I found."


Full article:

Donnerstag, 13. Februar 2014

Diese Handprothese lässt wieder tasten und fühlen

"Neun Jahre lang fühlte der Däne Dennis Aabo Sørensen mit seiner linken Hand nichts: Sie war ihm bei einem Unfall mit Feuerwerkskörpern abgerissen worden. Eine neue Prothese gibt ihm die Sinne zurück."


Weiterleitung zum Artikel:

Simple way to make stem cells in half an hour hailed as major discovery

"A radical and remarkably easy way to make cells that can grow into any tissue in the body has been developed by scientists in Japan.

The feat has been hailed as a major discovery by researchers familiar with the work, and if it can be repeated in human tissue, could lead to cheap and simple procedures to make patient-matched stem cells that could repair damaged or diseased organs."


Full article: