Freitag, 30. August 2013
Mini Human 'Brains' Grown in a Dish
"The first complete living model of the developing human brain has been created in a lab dish.
Researchers grew human stem cells in an environment that encouraged them to form pea-size gobs of brain tissue, which developed into distinct brain tissues, including a cerebral cortex and retina."
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Mittwoch, 28. August 2013
Researcher controls colleague’s motions in 1st human brain-to-brain interface
"University of Washington researchers have performed what they believe is the first noninvasive human-to-human brain interface, with one researcher able to send a brain signal via the Internet to control the hand motions of a fellow researcher."
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Freitag, 23. August 2013
Herzmuskelzellen nach Infarkt repariert
"Ein Gen-Cocktail könnte eines Tages Herzpatienten helfen: Nach einem Infarkt entsteht an der verletzten Stelle Narbengewebe. Dieses haben Forscher mit verschiedenen Genen zu Zellen umprogrammiert, die Herzmuskelzellen ähneln."
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Donnerstag, 22. August 2013
Forscher rufen dritte industrielle Revolution aus
"Jeder Mensch soll künftig seine eigenen Produkte herstellen können: 3D-Druck revolutioniert die Welt, heißt es. Experten staunen über das Interesse an einer Technik, die es schon lange gibt."
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Montag, 5. August 2013
DNA storage: The code that could save civilisation
"Two scientists think we can safeguard the world's knowledge against an apocalypse if we store it in DNA. How far-fetched is the idea? Ed Yong meets them to find out."
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Sonntag, 4. August 2013
Cryonics T-Shirt: Keep cool. Even when you're DEAD.
There might be more M&M Shirts in the next future. It is time for us to spread our ideas. Don't get me wrong, I hate everything that is pop-culture and I don't even like commercialism, but I believe there is a chance for Immortalism to become a worldwide Scene that could be large enough for significant media attention. We have a chance to change the whole moral view which is surpressing Sciences today.
And fuck smartphones. When I am reading the U.S. Google News on technology it is all about fucking smartphones. This is pissing me off! Smartphones are all in all great but there could be so many things more that could get us closer to our personal paradises. We should not give up hope for Immortality - the Human Right that You end Your Life when YOU THINK YOUR FUCKING LIVE SHOULD END. So it is not about buying a T-Shirt. It is about sending a message.

Helps You to keep cool.
Even when you're DEAD.
Small Letters: Support Transhumanism. Insist on Immortality.
Death finally has to die. Science can make it. Search the Web for Allies. We are out there.
Price: 17.oo EURO
Click here to order:
And fuck smartphones. When I am reading the U.S. Google News on technology it is all about fucking smartphones. This is pissing me off! Smartphones are all in all great but there could be so many things more that could get us closer to our personal paradises. We should not give up hope for Immortality - the Human Right that You end Your Life when YOU THINK YOUR FUCKING LIVE SHOULD END. So it is not about buying a T-Shirt. It is about sending a message.

Helps You to keep cool.
Even when you're DEAD.
Small Letters: Support Transhumanism. Insist on Immortality.
Death finally has to die. Science can make it. Search the Web for Allies. We are out there.
Price: 17.oo EURO
Click here to order:
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