Since the starting of MIND & MACHINE, we now have counted our first 1500 visitors. Thank you for your interest!
Freitag, 24. Mai 2013
1500 Besucher // 1500 Visitors
Seit dem Start von MIND & MACHINE, haben wir nun insgesamt unsere ersten 1500 Besucher gezählt. Wir bedanken uns für das rege Interesse!
Since the starting of MIND & MACHINE, we now have counted our first 1500 visitors. Thank you for your interest!
Since the starting of MIND & MACHINE, we now have counted our first 1500 visitors. Thank you for your interest!
Montag, 20. Mai 2013
Sensation & Perception
Online version of Sensation & Perception - a book for psychology students, full of interactive fun:
Samstag, 18. Mai 2013
A 3D printed cybernetic ear that even a transhumanist would love
"Generating organs and tissue with 3D printers is nothing new. But this bioengineered ear is unique in that it utilizes embedded electronics that allow it to pick up radio frequencies outside the range of normal human hearing."
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Donnerstag, 16. Mai 2013
Mit Nanopartikeln gegen bakterielle Infektionen
" Nanopartikel, die in den Zellmembranen roter Blutkörperchen stecken, können Toxine aus dem Körper entfernen und womöglich auch zur Heilung schwerwiegender bakterieller Infektionen eingesetzt werden."
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US-Wissenschaftler konnten menschliche Embryonen klonen
"Erstmals ist es einem Team von US-Wissenschaftlern um Shoukhrat Mitalipov von der Oregon Health & Science University gelungen, mit der Technik des somatischen Zellkerntransfers (SCNT) menschliche embryonale Stammzellen zu klonen."
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Montag, 13. Mai 2013
Control your bionic hand with an iPhone
"The human hand is incredibly complex, so designing a bionic replacement is quite a challenge. There are countless movements and grips that a normal hand needs to make, and that variety is what makes replacements so difficult. Now, a company called Touch Bionics has developed a bionic hand with four fingers and a rotatable thumb. Better yet, a simple companion app is available for iOS that allows fast selection of 24 preset grips."
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What is transhumanism, or, what does it mean to be human?
"What does it mean to be human? Biology has a simple answer: If your DNA is consistent with Homo sapiens, you are human — but we all know that humanity is a lot more complex and nuanced than that. Other schools of science might classify humans by their sociological or psychological behavior, but again we know that actually being human is more than just the sum of our thoughts and actions. You can also look at being human as a sliding scale. If you were to build a human from scratch, from the bottom up, at some point you cross the threshold into humanity — if you believe in evolution, at some point we ceased being a great ape and became human. Likewise, if you slowly remove parts from a human, you cross the threshold into inhumanity. Again, though, we run into the same problem: How do we codify, classify, and ratify what actually makes us human?"
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Freitag, 10. Mai 2013
Becoming young at heart: single protein helps old hearts appear young in mice
"Researchers at Harvard University have big news today: their scientists found a protein in the blood that seems to reverse the effects of aging in the hearts of mice."
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Mittwoch, 8. Mai 2013
H+ Poetry: We Are The Gods Now
"Let’s take back religion and make it ours. Let’s make today’s religion what it was made to be but is not. Let’s make religion about hope, truth and foremost about ourselves.
We are the Gods now. Emerged from biology, transcending to technology. The universe becoming aware of itself."
We are the Gods now. Emerged from biology, transcending to technology. The universe becoming aware of itself."
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Faith in Fate is Fatal for Humanity
"They don’t call it fatal for nothing. Infatuation with the fat of fate, duty to destiny, and belief in any sort of preordainity whatsoever – omnipotent deities notwithstanding – constitutes an increase in Existential Risk, albeit indirectly. If we think that events have been predetermined, it follows that we would think that our actions make no difference in the long run, and that we have no control over the shape of those futures still fetal. This scales to the perceived ineffectiveness of existential risk for those who have believe so fatalistically. Thus to combat belief in fate, and resultant disillusionment in our ability to wreak roiling revisement upon the whorl of the world, is to combat existential risk as well."
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Lesen im Blut
"Allein mit einem Bluttest lassen sich Erbgutschäden schon weit vor der Geburt aufspüren. Er markiert den Beginn einer neuen Diagnostik-Ära."
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Montag, 6. Mai 2013
5 Tips for Living With Uncertainty
"I have been living in uncertainty, like many people, ever since December of 2008 when the economy plummeted and the creative fields — like architecture and publishing — took a hard blow, making it extremely difficult to feed a family. In that time, I think I have worked a total of 10 jobs — becoming everything from a defense contractor to a depression “expert.” I even thought about teaching high school morality. Now that’s desperate.
I don’t think I’ll ever be comfortable with uncertainty, but having lived in that terrain for almost five years now, I’m qualified to offer a few tips of how not to lose it when things are constantly changing."
I don’t think I’ll ever be comfortable with uncertainty, but having lived in that terrain for almost five years now, I’m qualified to offer a few tips of how not to lose it when things are constantly changing."
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Negative Self Talk: Top 10 Things NOT to Say to Yourself
"We tend inflict so much suffering upon ourselves through negative self talk. It’s really amazing when you think about it. So much suffering due to words running through our minds…
In this post I’d like to share my top 10 self-damaging things we tend to say to ourselves. I have my own experience with negative self talk, believe me!"
In this post I’d like to share my top 10 self-damaging things we tend to say to ourselves. I have my own experience with negative self talk, believe me!"
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Self-Development as Balm
"Acceptance, compromise, courage when really required — these are all noble and important and at the far other end of the spectrum from laughter.
But the balm that beats all, for the problems that really plague us interpersonally and professionally, is self-development. Nothing sends challenges packing quicker than a little introspection and self involvement."
But the balm that beats all, for the problems that really plague us interpersonally and professionally, is self-development. Nothing sends challenges packing quicker than a little introspection and self involvement."
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Sonntag, 5. Mai 2013
Eine kleine Welt im Kopf
"In der Fachliteratur wird eine leise, aber intensive Debatte über die statistischen Eigenschaften des neuronalen Verbindungsnetzwerks im menschlichen Gehirn ausgefochten. Es ist noch zu früh, um all die Details der Verbindungsarchitektur dieses Organs vollständig verstehen zu wollen - allerdings kann man sich schon heute fragen, ob die Vernetzung der Gehirnneuronen nachvollziehbaren statistischen Prinzipien folgt."
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Donnerstag, 2. Mai 2013
Scientists find key to ageing process in hypothalamus
US team identifies mechanism deep in brains of mice that can be tweaked to shorten or lengthen lives
Scientists have found a biological command centre for the agein process in a lump of brain the size of a nut.
The US team identified the mechanism in the hypothalamus, which sits deep inside the brain, and showed they could tweak it to shorten or lengthen the lives of animals.
Scientists have found a biological command centre for the agein process in a lump of brain the size of a nut.
The US team identified the mechanism in the hypothalamus, which sits deep inside the brain, and showed they could tweak it to shorten or lengthen the lives of animals.
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